Saturday, 4 June 2011

Eyes Wide Shut

"Yunan eurolarımı Alman eurolarla değiştirmek istiyorum"

Yunanistan’ın bir kez daha kurtarılması euronun güçlenmesini sağladı. Biz ise Yunanistan ve diğer zayıf halkalar düştükten sonra euroyu almayı planlıyorduk. Bir kez daha evdeki hesap çarşıya uymadı galiba… Belli ki default seçeneğini hala bünyeler kaldırmıyor bölgede. Gözümüzü uzun zaman sıkıca kapar üzerine de biraz para atarsak belki sorun ortadan kalkar stratejisi devam ediyor.


tunck. said...

QE3 yada QEx geliyormu? ne oldu da abd ekonomisi bir günde! karalara büründü?

tunck. said...

Aşagıda Bernanke hakkında iltifat(!)ları okuyacaksınız, biz deyince olmuyor ama elin amerikalısı nasıl eleştiriyor görün lütfen!
Michael “Mish” Shedlock, author of popular economics site Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis, had some rather harsh words for Dr. Bernanke.

“Bernanke did everything possible to mitigate his role and the Fed’s role in this crisis,” Mish contended. “His unmitigated gall comes through loud and clear with this bald-faced lie:

‘The Federal Reserve’s actions in recent years have doubtless helped stabilize the financial system, ease credit and financial conditions, guard against deflation, and promote economic recovery. All of this has been accomplished, I should note, at no net cost to the federal budget or to the U.S. taxpayer.’

Mish went on to say that “There is an unseen cost to the stupidity of Bernanke’s policies. That unseen cost is the cost associated with fostering still more speculation in the financial markets. There is another bubble in the stock market, another bubble in junk bonds, and another bubble in commodities.”

“We have yet to feel the ramifications when those bubble pop, and they will. Bernanke cannot see those bubbles for the same reason he could not see the bubble in housing, the bubble in credit, the rapidly rising unemployment rate, and countless other things he missed.”

“Bernanke is a complete fool, trapped in academic wonderland, completely oblivious as to how the real world works. To top it off, Bernanke has the gall to knowingly lie about the real world effects of his blatant stupidity.”

“Ben Bernanke, you are disgusting.”
